If you’re like most people, you probably spend a decent amount of time on social media. However, many don’t realize that posting on platforms such as Instagram can be a way to generate some additional income. With social media channels becoming popular marketing outlets, more businesses are looking to use them to generate leads and […]
Keep ReadingYour Complete Guide to Instagram Affiliate Marketing (Part 1)
Affiliate marketing is a popular way to grow brand awareness and revenue. However, as online marketing continues to shift toward social media, overlooking these platforms could mean missed opportunities to find quality affiliates. Whether you’re starting a new affiliate program or revamping an existing one, social channels such as Instagram provide a fountain of opportunity. […]
Keep ReadingHow to Use an Automated Affiliate Website to Improve Your Marketing
Starting an affiliate marketing program is one thing, but maintaining it is another. As it grows, keeping track of performance, answering questions from your affiliates, and managing your links become increasingly complicated. Adopting an automated approach to affiliate marketing presents an easier, more powerful way of tracking and managing your program and related activity. It […]
Keep ReadingWhy Affiliate Marketers Should Focus on Quality Over Quantity
Making the decision to start an affiliate program is exciting. Naturally, you’re eager to make money, so it can be easy to want to work with any marketer who’s willing to promote your products. However, being overly ambitious in the beginning can lead to unrealistic goals. Rather than trying to cast a wide net, it’s […]
Keep Reading5 Online Marketing Techniques Every Business Needs to Try
As the digital landscape continues to evolve, the importance of online marketing is impossible to ignore. While outbound marketing efforts such as billboards and newspaper ads were once sufficient for spreading brand awareness, companies that fail to become well-versed in inbound marketing tactics now risk falling behind the competition. By adapting to the digital marketing […]
Keep ReadingWhy You Should Bid on Branded Keywords in Your Next PPC Campaign (5 Reasons)
Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising campaigns can help improve your brand’s visibility. However, it can be difficult and costly to compete with other businesses for generic keywords related to your industry. Bidding on branded keywords can help you make the most of your PPC budget. Due to their lower Cost Per Click (CPC), relative lack of competition, […]
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