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Fraud Prevention in a Nutshell

2 min read

This add-on is available with the purchase of the Plus or Pro license.

There are currently three fraud detection features in the Fraud Prevention add-on. This is how they operate:

1. Own Referrals – where the affiliate made a purchase using their own affiliate link. You can choose to Allow, Flag or Reject these transactions.

  • Allow – the affiliate will be able to generate a commission using their own affiliate link.
  • Flag – the transaction will be highlighted in the transactions list table and on the Pay Affiliates page when a transaction that is flagged exists within the payout period. The affiliate can still be paid these commission amounts.
  • Reject – the affiliate will not be able to generate a commission for that purchase, and an Easy Affiliate transaction will not be created (it won’t affect the actual order within the eCommerce plugin).

2. Referring Sites – checks whether the site that referred the click was one of the sites listed on the affiliate’s application. This only applies if the Registration Type is set to “Application”. You can choose to Allow, Flag or Reject these transactions or clicks.

  • Allow – the affiliate will be able to generate a commission from the click.
  • Flag – the affiliate will be able to generate a commission from the click, but the click and any subsequent transaction will also be flagged (highlighted). The affiliate can still be paid these commission amounts.
  • Reject – the click will not be recorded, and the cookie will not be set, so it will not be possible to generate a commission from that click

3. Conversion Rate – checks that the affiliate’s conversion rate (sales to clicks ratio) is within the defined limits. The affiliate must have at least ten sales before this is detected, and the default limits are 0.02% to 20% which can be adjusted in the plugin settings. You can choose to Allow or Flag these transactions or clicks.

  • Allow – the affiliate will be able to generate a commission regardless of their conversion rate.
  • Flag – the clicks and transactions will be flagged if the affiliate’s conversion rate was outside of the defined limits when the click or transaction was recorded. These clicks and transactions will be highlighted on the list table pages and the Pay Affiliates page if applicable. The affiliate can still be paid these commission amounts.

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